Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oil and Wine

Saturday was dedicated to working on my autumn vineyard oil painting. It's got a lot to go but I made some progress on it. I really want to build up the layers of oranges, yellows, reds and browns, but that will need to be done in stages. Here is an in-progress photo shot:

The oak trees are kind of only put in place and will have additional layers and colors to bring them out more. But I got them started.

I also began another 24x30" oil painting, a seascape. I finished the sky and began to work on the foreground rocks when I pooped out for the day. Lately, I've been painting until I drop.

Sunday I spent all day on one encaustic painting that was only 12x12". I sometimes think this should go faster, but then I realize I'm doing the "should" thing and I put my mind on something else. I am making a series of 12x12" abstract encaustics that will be relatively simple and simply play with the horizon line. This one has under-layers of all different kinds of colors and a wash on top of it all of king's blue (a light blue) and then carefully scraped away with a razor blade to reveal the under layers in sections. I laid a portion of twine right in the wax to make the horizon line (and in this one, it goes all curvy and actually terminated within the painting instead of going off both ends of the piece) and then pulled the twine out at the end, leaving a deep channel right down the original layers of clear wax. I'm going to finish the piece by using oil sticks to fill the channel and glaze portions of the surface. Took me all day of putting wax layers down, scraping and fusing to get it to the stage of the oil sticks, which I'll do in another session... because I pooped out again!

But I feel like I made good progress on everything I wanted to this weekend.

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