Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Still Life Grill

On Sunday, I went over to Lisa's. She has wanted for a long time to be able to sit around with other artists and do a still life. I was her volunteer even though I have never done a still life and have no affinity or desire to do one. *But*, I love a challenge and I love trying to face my fears so we decided to make an afternoon of it.

Lisa set up a very nice (but detail rich!) still life. I completely failed at my first attempt but did decide to pick portions of the still life I thought I could handle, did an initial drawing and began painting the background. I had only brought painting knives with me, which further challenged and frustrated me.

However, Lisa began a very nice still life and here is her in-progress piece:

Lisa has an active imagination and doesn't often do subject matters so traditional and accessible (in fact, I think she has done one landscape - in her classic expressionist style, and maybe this still life), so this was really different for her. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. I got overwhelmed with frustration and stopped but after the background dries (Lisa painted hers in pastels and may use acrylics on top of that...I paint in oils), I'll bring it home and see if I can turn it into something or if it is just a failed attempt. On the positive side, I think I'll be that much less afraid of still lifes next time I attempt one.

Then we cooked a delicious barbecue. I made a great salad, then we barbecued cherry balsamic london broil steaks, great grilled veggies and fruit, polenta, and paired it with a lovely bottle of red wine.

It was a great afternoon doing what we love to do.

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