Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Koi Encaustic Paintings

I finished up a series of 4 12x12" koi encaustic paintings, for a two-month exhibit where all the paintings have to contain an element of water in them. I had never tried to paint fish with hot wax and it was an interesting experience. I can see how the wax media can really lend itself to creating cool water effects. The sketchy look of the fish actually adds to the effect of them being in the water.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful paintings!

Hello,Its very very nice and wonderfull.
your work is so fantastic I enjoyed of your paintings!

July 31, 2008 4:29 PM  
Blogger KatieMoe said...

Thanks so much! I remain very fascinated with encaustics because while hot wax is challenging - there is a *huge* range of things that can be done with it, and that encourages so much more creativity for me.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

July 31, 2008 4:36 PM  

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